


4,8M$ investis et des milliers de femmes entrepreneures soutenues par Femmessor en 2023-2023

Femmessor est fière de dévoiler ses résultats dans le cadre de son rapport annuel 2023-2023.

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Femmessor has always been there to listen to us, advise us and support us financially of course but also humanly.

Kathy Béliveau, REZO l'agence sociale极光vpm破解无限版




Femmessor provides us with financial help and support. I found their involvement great.

Julie Emery, Station Myo 手机youtube免翻
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The training sessions and conferences offered by Femmessor have allowed me to stay on top of new trends in management.

Julie Laberge, Entreprises Alain Maltais inc. Nord-du-Québec region - Jamésie

Femmessor allowed me to realize the biggest project of my career. The listening skills, the follow-up and the enthusiasm of this team are reassuring.

Sylvie RattéLiane Beauty SalonCôte-Nord region

I acquired my business when my daughter was five months old. Throughout my journey, these women inquired about my company—and my family life.

Valérie Drolet, Super Sagamie Ste-Ursule Saguenay - Lac-Saint-Jean region
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The support of Femmessor has been a mark of confidence in my project. They understood my reality and offered me concrete and useful tools. They also gave me highly pragmatic advice.

Sandrine Rampeneaux, San'Hy consulte / San'Hy pro Gaspésie – Îles-de-la-Madeleine region

氢互动“燃爆19”新年起航-国际在线 - CRI:2021-1-28 · 伴随着,氢互动三位VP敲响的倒计时鼓声,氢互动“燃爆19 ”年会正式开始! 晚宴一开始,氢互动CEO王天慧伋表公司董事会对全体员工2021年的出色表现致伍诚挚感谢,并对过去的一年作出回顾。天慧总讲到:2021年公司在“流量池理论”的指导下 ...

极光vpm破解无限版, Clinique infirmière Nord-Ouest Abitibi-Témiscamingue region

I needed a trusted financial partner to help me achieve my goals to grow my business. From the beginning, Femmessor believed in my project.

Chantal Arguin, Arguin et associés, arpenteurs-géomètres Capitale-Nationale region

We feel that we are part of a big family and that the resources we need are at our disposal when necessary.

Virginie Cleary, Marie-Ève Tremblay, Marie-Ève Lavoie, Les étoiles du parc Nursery

01)234 !#$%&’()*+,-./:2021-10-11 · !"#$! #% " &! # $%& ’()*+ ,-).+/ 01)234 ’!!"#$ 5678(9:;< =>7? )*+,+-)./0*122@AB 333456//.354-/72CDEF 8"8"""" GHIJ KLMNGH OPQ10月 10日,“三高”伋业政策 ...

Caroline Doucet, Doucet + Turcotte Architectes inc.
Mauricie region


We care about the success of women entrepreneurs. That's why we offer them more than just financing. We accompany them along their road to success.

In Quebec, Femmessor is the only organization fully dedicated to offering financing and support services to women entrepreneurs.

Thanks to partnerships with the Fonds pour les femmes entrepreneurs FQ and 能用的v*p*n, with conventional loans and share capital, we facilitate access to nearly $25 million dollars of funds to support companies with at least one woman in a strategic position and an ownership of at least 25% of the shares.

工信部回应“禁用VPN”:清理对象是无资质者_央广网:2021-7-25 · 工信部回应“禁用VPN”:清理对象是无资质者 在国务院新闻办今日举行的发布会上,有记者问及“有地方出台规定,对违法违规利用VPN上网加强管理”一事,工信部信息通信发展司司长闻库表示,不了 …

You have a business that needs financing?
Call us! 1-844-523-7767
